Tuesday 6 July 2010

The economist and the salad crisper

I was forwarded this link today by a reader who described the author, Dan Riely as "a really famous economist (and probably the nicest guy in economics)" (cute)!

It's an interesting light-hearted comment on the psychology behind how we choose what to eat and he makes a good point about fruit and veg languishing in the salad drawer at the bottom of the fridge until they go off because you don't see them there to remember to eat them.

Fruit and vegetables perish quite quickly so it can be hard to keep a fresh stock in the house. Dan comments about it being confusing as to the expiry dates of fruit and vegetables - however most packaged fruit and veg will say this on the label - aim to eat them by the 'sell by' rather than the 'use by' date - you'll find this sometimes only gives you a couple of days to eat them, so aim to buy your fruit and veg fresh twice a week rather than leaving it to the big weekly shop for the maximum vitamin content.

Without healthy foods to hand or in sight you're likely to eat the less healthy snack foods you have lying around.  I know that the days I eat unhealthily that it's usually due to me having run out of healthy foods in the house, so keep a supply of fruit and veg in the freezer, tinned pulses and chopped tomatoes in the store cupboard and plenty of nuts, seeds and oat or rice cakes to snack on.

Also try and keep your fridge stocked with healthy but also appealing looking foods on the shelves that you can see.  Making your healthy food look good will not only encourage you to eat healthily but will help you get the most pleasure out of your food.  A simple grated carrot salad with a sprinkling of french vinaigrette and a sprig of parsley on it looks way more appealing that a whole peeled carrot! and is therefore much more enjoyable to eat.  Not everyone has time for Masterchef level presentation, but next time you cook up your dinner spend a couple of minutes on presentation.  

A couple of post-scripts today:
Firstly, for anyone based in Canary Wharf I recently discovered Kruger in the South Collonade as a good place to pick up a healthy and affordable lunch.  I'd been before for their fresh fruit and vegetable juices, but on the weekend picked up a lovely herb chicken breast salad for £3.25, a snip by city standards.

Secondly, for anyone interested in having a consultation I now have a website with details of my services, please forward on to anyone who may be interested: www.nutritioninthecity.com 

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