Wednesday 6 October 2010

How taking your vits can keep you slim

Supplements are great for keeping you in tip top health, keeping bugs and
colds at bay and keeping your energy levels up ... but your multivitamin can
also double up as a diet pill!

So how does taking a bundle of vitamins and minerals keep you slim?

Without getting too techy, a lot of vitamins and minerals go into the
biochemical process of producing energy in your cells. If you're deficient
in these nutrients it can slow down your energy production slowing down your
metabolism and rate of burning calories. So topping up with a multivit can
help you burn more calories. Nutrients are also essential to the health of
your adrenal and thyroid glands which are both involved in fat burning.

I'm also a strong believer that your nutrient intake is a driver your
appetite, so if you're eating a diet low in vitamins and minerals your body
will up your appetite to increase food intake in a bid to increase nutrient
intake. A nutrient rich diet will therefore keep you more satisfied and
reduce your appetite and food cravings. Taking vitamin and mineral
supplements can therefore have a similar effect ... satisfying your nutrient
needs and thereby controlling your appetite.

So rather than reaching for a diuretic or stimulant diet pill to keep in
shape you might want to try a multivitamin.

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