Thursday 27 January 2011

Frankie says relax!

If you work out supplements can be so great to help you recover. My favourite combination is a drink of Cherry Active, water, Nutri Muscleze and Lamberts Glutamine. I find that even after a long run my muscle stiffness is minimal if I take this straight after the run with some carbs and then again the next day. This is such a great improvement on the quad stiffness that used to have me limping down the stairs!!

The only downside of this wonder combination is that because of the lack of stiffness I sometimes forget to stretch after exercise - I used to be reminded by the muscle-ache the next day. As a consequence my I now have super tight hamstrings.

I was talking to a yoga teacher about this today and how I need to up my yoga practice when I'm working out more intensely. Whenever I'm short on time and can't fit in all the exercise I want to do the yoga is the first thing to get cast side. However, in the same way that you need a balanced diet, it is also to have balance in your exercise programme. It should include cardiovascular exercise (to impreove heart health), weight training and weight bearing exercise (to increase muscle strength and bone density) and stretching and relaxation to relax muscles and destress the mind.

Without the latter it's easy to end up with some very tight knotted muscles increasing your risk of injury and general stress and tension in the body. If you stretch regularly you'll move more freely and feel more relaxed which is always good, especially for anyone who works in the city!

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